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Re: New Endless Tower Topic

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:29 pm
by GvS
So it's Pulse Strike after all! Thanks for finding it, it will make Atroce peace of cake.

Next time we have to take Azazella till 25th floor to get her 2nd Ashes of Darkness, then killing Arc should be easy modo and we'll never do it without her again!
Egnigem Cenia is really hard now. She changed property pretty fast and SG was only killing her mob. According to RMS data, she summon slaves if there is less than 4 of them. Plus, it's very hard to pull her with initial mob. She is fast, her mob is fast and their aspd is crazy. I think we should keep SGing her. There is not much difference between 5 and 4 slaves and there are some other random bio mobs running around.
Please watch out on floors after Atroce. It's getting quite hard there, many high hp/high mdef monsters and our only physical damage is single target, so we'll have to take our time on such floors. I'm glad we are faster every week, next time we should finally reach Orc Lord, so please remember about horns, alligators, berets and other stuff.

dual Chi = MC dancer, like you do with sader

Re: New Endless Tower Topic

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:18 pm
by Crow
Egnigem Cenia uses 2h quicken, so we should also dispell her. I also must add, that with all the mob on her it is hard to target her and often I waste many seconds until I am able to (especially since I am supposed to protect party from loose mobs). Keeping adds frozen should help with that.

As for Arch Angeling, fully buffed I should be pulling 16.8k lexed AVs on it. Sure it is easy with Noire, but we should be able to kill it faster then waiting for her to relog to sin (I am waiting for the time when she will be maining her sinx in et). I believe that next time if we dedicate 1 priest to lexing and other(s) to healing we should be able to kill it without additional assistance. When standing in strings priest can easily cast 3 lexes in time I need to cast 1 AV. We definitely should get ashes for Noire though.

Re: New Endless Tower Topic

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:37 pm
by Noire
1WingedAngel wrote:Yeah, that Pulse Strike sucked.. when I had 4 people on Sac, it killed me pretty good.. And I apologize for heaving to leave for so long.. later in the day family stuff comes up sometimes. I Missed ArcAngeling.. I thought we had a Sinx on standby for him?

I just need to learn what to do on every boss.. I try to Sac right before pull, then get on Sage for Dispel/ME.. but if Sac wears off before it dies.. that's bad, as it takes me 5-10 seconds to alt tab between games (my computer sucks).

Also.. dual Chi?
Did you installed it? ... -tweaks/0/
Just paste that file into your RO folder, it should make things easier

Re: New Endless Tower Topic

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:28 pm
by 1WingedAngel
In preperation for OL's EQ:

Hm, why does Nox only give 10% reduction to EQ (according to the calculator, I don't know if it's wrong in practice)? Anti-ranged and anti-neutral cards both work, so it should give a 20% reduction as far as I can tell.

Anyway, my sader now has 2 Alligator cards, and a Horn Stone Buckler, plus lots of HP. My sage has a Feather Beret, 2 Alligator cards, Stone Buckler, and a Nox muffler. I'm also looking to buy another Horn Card (but I have a Thara I can use if I don't get one in time). I am currently unable to afford a Raydric Card (the Nox Muffler was really cheap when I grabbed it).

I can put all my EQ equips on my sader (drastically dropping my HP but increasing my resist a lot) and probably stand next to the tank to halve the dmg. Alternatively.. I could try and soak up the EQ with Sac, die, get ressed, repeat. But I don't know if that would work.

Re: New Endless Tower Topic

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:32 am
by GvS
It gives 10% neutral and 10% from range. It's calculated differently than 20% from neutral and 10% from ranged isn't included if you choose "0-4 cells" option. With those gears OL should be easy. I should have decent reduction on tank, but you might still die if you sac him. I wonder how much HP do you have on apples?

Another important question: So far no one told me what should we do with next ET. There is 7 days cooldown, which expires on Sunday 23:19. We could go on Monday evening or skip this week and continue on Friday/Saturday next week, please tell me which way you prefer.

Re: New Endless Tower Topic

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:49 am
by Crow
Monday, provided we can start at 21:00. If not, then I can also come on Wednesday. I would rather not have to stay until 3 AM again, especially if we intend to make a progress rather then just farm first 50 floors. I don't think there is a point in intentionally skipping it to fix our timer, since we will skip it anyway during the summit which is in 5 weeks.

In all my Ro history I don't believe I have ever killed a Bapho, which used to be a staple figure of this game. He awaits quite close, at floor 75 and I am looking forward to finally doing it soon.

This week I managed to get +3 DEX tights and I intend to put Porcellio in them. Also thanks to Raflik and Chi I have reached job 61 at which I get another DEX bonus so with those two and Sohee pet I can now get 160 dex and have a better offensive power this week. According to calc with Imp 5 I should be doing 18.2k lexed AVs to Arch Angeling.

Also - do we intend to start killing Valks soon? I don't have a weapon for it yet, but once I do I need around 100 ulexed AVs to kill her. That is around 5 minutes of AVing (obviously 2.5 min, if every AV is lexed). Is this good enough or we need moar DPS to start farming shields? I think GvS stalker, especially with Sac, should be able to tank it already ?

Re: New Endless Tower Topic

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 4:15 pm
by Noire
Crow wrote: This week I managed to get +3 DEX tights and I intend to put Porcellio in them. Also thanks to Raflik and Chi I have reached job 61 at which I get another DEX bonus so with those two and Sohee pet I can now get 160 dex and have a better offensive power this week. According to calc with Imp 5 I should be doing 18.2k lexed AVs to Arch Angeling.
Still, I make 45k damage, linked, with EDP and no Lex. You really want to steal my only job as sinX in ET, dont ya? :D
And if it's possible i'd like to make a second Ashes of Darkness on my sinX this Monday.

Re: New Endless Tower Topic

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:36 pm
by Crow
As soon as you are ready to join ET runs on your mains, I would be more then happy to welcome faster runs. It is only that:
a) It is frustrating, that we can't kill such an easy target
b) If you are not with us all the time it should be faster for me to kill it rather then just wait for you to come.

Re: New Endless Tower Topic

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:51 pm
by 1WingedAngel
Bah, I thought I changed the ranges, apparently I did not... so my Horn and Alligator cards are useless at close range, I see that now, I fail. Well, I have 2 Alligator belts if anyone needs to borrow them for this fight, lol. Hopefully I'll have a Thara S.Buck by tomorrow (if someone starts vending a Thara Card anytime soon..). And I guess I'll put the Ray card I have that I was saving into a Muffler, so I should have that too. The only problem then is my low HP.. If we only have 2 people in 0-4, the calc is saying I'll be taking 13k dmg per hit when he uses Power Up, for 3 hits.. I'd only have 9-10k max hp without my Goibne's Set.

I'd really like to power level my Sage and Sader at once (I can pull and leech goats or turtles) but I'm really busy atm. =\

Re: New Endless Tower Topic

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:06 pm
by GvS
I was mistaken , damage is shared equally with ranged and melee, so you don't have to stay at close range and you can use allis and horn. You should keep your ray for something better, at least Heavenly Maiden Robe if you want to use it before reborn. It has same price as muffler and it's a little better.

AA isn't easy. We will save some time because we'll take Azazella to 26th floor for another ashes and then it will take few minutes to get her from 51th floor to AA. I'm glad you have ambition to solo it but unfortunately we only have one main priest so far. We've all seen how it ended last few times and I don't want another drama, so we'll play it safe with Nu.